Turning Heads Coaching

When you think of Turning Heads, think transforming your career or whatever you want to renew. Think also you in a new life situation where you could flourish, because what you do grows from your deepest joy.

Eight years ago Anna Maija Siljander created Turning Heads with her passion of providing professional coaching to people in their work related transitions. In her method of coaching she combines her experience and following coaching approaches to your coaching.

What would you like to work towards?

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Approaches of Anna Maija’s Mental Health & Wellbeing Coaching 

Coaching is always a coachee’s process to move forward. Anna Maija as a coach helps you as a coachee to use your potential and develop with motivational questions and her presence. It depends on your life situation how the following approaches are used to support you in your personal and professional development.

Business Coaching is a goal oriented and agenda based way to coach. It helps to clarify your possibilities.

Developmental Coaching works through themes of a coachee and is based on different stages of adult development. It concentrates on working with the self.

Narrative Coaching is a mindful, experiential and integrative approach, that helps you make real change in real time using your own experience.

Transpersonal Coaching focuses on energy, values, purpose and meaning and is a holistic and deep approach to learning and growing.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is based on that our thoughts, emotions and behaviour are all connected. CBT can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. 

Take a peek into Turning Heads’s Coaching Services!


The Women Entrepreneurs

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